The Situation

There are to be new housing developments in Maldon, South Woodham and the Dengie and, in all likelihood, a new PowerStation: Bradwell B.
This will generate a great deal of traffic both during the building phase and thereafter. It has been estimated that some 500-700 HGVs, servicing the Bradwell B site alone will negotiate the Burnham Road each day.
The pinch point is the Burnham Road as it passes on what is currently the northern border of South Woodham, (although it will shortly bisect the town when the new development is completed.) It is already groaning under the strain and there are often tailbacks at the busiest times. There are no plans to widen the road or create a bypass to deal the with additional traffic. All the bypasses currently mooted stop at the Maldon district border leaving SWF out completely. The Bradwell B team acknowledges that Latchingdon, Mayland etc., need bypasses but the common exit (the pinch point leading to the A12) has been ignored. To make matters worse, Essex proposes to set up 6 uncoordinated pedestrian crossings along this section of the Burnham Road, to link the new South Woodham development to the existing town and claims that this will have no adverse effect on traffic flow.

One glance at a map is enough to demonstrate the problem this will cause, not only to South Woodham residents, but to all those living in or near the route from Bradwell B to the Rettendon Turnpike who have to commute by road.

If you want more information, read on. Included are some articles that have appeared in local newspapers, responses to the public enquiry and a response from an elected body (in which the relevant sections have been highlighted)

Apologies for the jumble of information – this is a voluntary organisation (with no funding) so we have to dispense with the niceties!